September 17, 2016 Wightman Lumber hosted our combined annual open house with
our first ever Lumberfest. An all day lumberjack competition put on by the New
York State Lumberjack Association (NYSLA) along with our yearly family
activities and events were provided for the enjoyment of the community no

The timber sport competitions were the
main event with springboard chop, standing block chop, two man and Jack & Jill crosscut, single buck, underhand chop, and modified hot saws. A lively competition pursued with 34 men and 16 women registered for the competition.
The weather was absolutely perfect for the entire day with the younger generation enjoying the "bean bag axe throwing", face painting, a wood building project for all ages assembling pre cut bird feeders, exploring an actual locomotive, and taking rides down the railroad tracks on track speeder cars.
We would like to offer a special "thanks" to the Milford volunteer Fire
Department and emergency squad for providing the on-site ambulance, as well as
serving refreshments and a delicious chicken BBQ cooked on site. Osterhoudt Commercial Refrigeration provided a
mobile refrigerated trailer to assist the fire dept. in fund raising.
sponsors included; Catskill Mountain Embroidery & Screen Printing in Delhi,
who made the fantastic "Lumberfest 2016" T-shirts, and debuted our
new logo on our shirts for sale. Nice job !! Chobani Also made a delicious and generous
donation of Greek yogurt to our event, and other sponsors included the Conservation
Alliance of NY, The Bieritz Insurance Agency, Dutchman Stoves & Timber who
showed us just how fast and easy splitting firewood can be, Kanescapes Landscaping,
Smith Ford of Cooperstown with some sweet vehicles to peruse, Springfield Truck
& Tractor with their display of yard maintenance equipment, as well as some
"fun stuff" to look over. Also Jon from Vantage Equipment with a
rather large display of a Volvo L70 loader and HUGE Terex material handler,
very cool to all attending.
Partners for the event included Bassett Health Center of Agricultural Medicine
and Health doing free blood pressure screening and providing wellness advise,
and historical cooper Bob Allers of the Utica
area with his 1800's theme building of barrels and buckets with tools from the
era. Phenomenal to watch. Boy Scout
troop 13 of Milford was also on hand, as well as
Hanford Mills Museum
with displays of times gone by. The Otsego County Conservation Association was
also here, and the Leatherstocking Railway Historical Society
provided the
locomotive tours and speeder rides. A
special "Thank You" goes out to Lisa Marie Vance Photography for the
awesome photos she took.
also extend out thanks everyone who attended our Lumberfest event. We hope you
enjoyed the day and we are looking forward to seeing you again next year.
Finally, a huge thanks to our employees who
helped set up, tear down and clean up after the event. We really appreciate everyone’s